Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Another year over...12 months in review

Hmmm...woah!  I can’t believe it’s the end of 2011 already!  Where has the time gone?!?!  2011 was a year mixed with some super positive atributes and some not so positive ones.  I always think reflection is good, so lets go on a journey of reflection through the year that was.
Briefly, an overview of the year that was:
Jan – June: Nothing too spectacular happened here. Defered uni during this time due to health reasons (a decision that I was miserable about for some time, but am at peace with now). Learnt alot about myself though. No studying lead to LOTS of reflecting.   I also took part in a few projects as a favour to a friend or two (had to do something while not studying!!). Learnt loads there too.
Toward the end of this period, preparations for the return to uni begun. With the last semester approaching and a compulsary internship on the program, I needed to find somewhere for the work experience. Interviews started.  Went for a few – got knocked back...didn’t let it get to me too much...Dory from ‘Finding Nemo’ popped into mind here “Just keep swimming...just keep swimming...” Finally, one interviewer said yes. Well, that’s one task crossed off the list. I’ve finally achieved something. Albeit, half way through the year and already 7 months later than I had hoped – but hey, it’s an achievement none-the-less.
July – Sept: FINALLY back at uni...woohoo!! Last semester!! Holy cow!! It’s my last semester at uni...I’m nearly done!! Few months with LOADS of excitement!!  Internship also started.  That was an experience!! It started as being quite daunting but I soon found my feet and really got a grip on it. It didnt take long for the daunting feeling turn to one of fun, happiness, excitement and growth. I wont go on too long about the work experience, there’s 3 dedicated posts about the whole 13 weeks.
October: Uni is over!! OMG...say what?!?! Yep folks, it’s official. I have my marketing degree...yay go me!! The day I have been longing to come for 2 and a half years...and it’s here. Such a surreal feeling. 

Once I was done, I confided in a friend that I didn’t think I would get to this point where I could say I’ve finished my degree and, she said to me, “Fair enough, it didn’t happen in your time. But, it did happen in time. I had no doubt you’d get there in time Nat. You had some setbacks, but you’re stronger than they were”.  Say what? Me? Strong? Surely not! Well, apparently so!!  This has stuck with me.  It’s also made me wonder – why is it that there’s times in our lives where friends (who we may have known for only a couple of years) have so much more faith in us than we do in ourselves??  Just a thought I’ve pondered throughout the year.
October – December: Well, uni was over so, it was time to enter the “real world”.  Yes folks, I’m working fulltime.  Glad to report it’s still with internship company and I love my job. Couldn’t be happier with the position I managed to land myself in (digital marketing for anyone who hasn’t read previous tweets/posts).   Now, back to the present day, the last week of december and it’s still such a surreal feeling that uni is actually done.
So, that’s a run down on the progression of me throughout 2011. But, there’s been much more to this year than study and work.  I have some truely beautiful friends, without whom, I probably would have struggled this year...especially the first half.  You all know exactly who you are – Thank you guys. I love you all.
I can’t not mention 2 people who have continued to influence and shape my life this year, even though physically no longer on Earth.  My Grandad and best friend, Hamish. Neither of you saw any of 2011, but you both made such an impact in my life while you were here and this has continued even though you’ve passed.  You have both taught me lessons i’ll never forget, you’ve both shown me things I’ll always remember and you both also left lasting impressions that will never be erased.
A year of trials, successes and lessons is nearly at an end.  Now all we can hope is that 2012 is better than 2011.  Any improvement is good!!  As for me, my plan for 2012 is to continue working and gain the experience I need to further my career.  Oh, and of course I’ll be having tonnes of fun too!!
How has your 2011 been?? Has it further shaped you as a person?? Has anything major happened?? How about the thought I've been pondering - how is it that sometimes it's our friends that have more faith in us than we do?? Any thoughts??

I won't be blogging again until the new year, so I would love to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic new year!! May all your Christmas dreams come true!!