My name's Natalie, although, I mostly get either Nat or Charlie Brown (long story! But feel free to ask!).
I'm currently a marketing student (nearly graduated...yay!) and just secured myself an internship (work experience) for the coming semester and, when that's finished in october...I'm all done!
I'm also a keen musician. I play flute, piano and saxophone. I also hope to one day add Violin to that list. I adore the violin and would love to own one to play! Hopefully one day soon!
I love to talk too, I tend to talk (and write) alot! Besides talking (call it communicating. It sounds better!!) I also love shopping, reading, girly movies, chocolate, shoes, handbags and social media.
Life isn't always perfect...I have this analogy where I compare life to a Hurdles race. Some of us fall over the hurdles more than others; but, we all get to the end eventually! Each person's "Hurdles track" is slightly different, but, that's what makes us all individuals! I personally, like to take chances and not always do what was expected of me (or what people thought I'd do).
Robert Frost sums it up well in his poem; 'The Road Not Taken' by saying: "I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference".