Friday, November 25, 2011

It’s not only wine that improves with age!!

It is agreed by most, that wine improves with age. Each year a particular vintage is kept in a cellar the better it will be once it’s finally opened. With my new job being in the alcohol industry, I must say, I’ve learnt alot about wine. Each vintage having it’s own distinct features and how the overall quality of the wine is influenced by the particular environmental factors during that year.
It could be said, people, to some extent, are like wine. They develop more with age. There’s no other way to say it – elderly people are tops!! Or, in the words of a Twitter friend “Elderly people are a must to have around, they keep it all real”. That is so true.  I couldn’t have said it any better myself, and, that is what got me thinking...and from my thinking, came this!! So, thanks for the inspiration lovely!!
My Grandparents for instance, my Gran, well, she is one of the strongest, amazing and honest people I have ever met.  She is my rock. She has joined me in celebrating my achievements, still being proud when I didn’t exactly achieve what I had hoped and has supported me through hard times.  We spend days together regularly and both enjoy each others company; even if it’s just sitting at her dining room table drinking coffee, eating buscuits and discussing life. Nothing extravagant but still no better way to spend time. During the time we spend together, there is only one thing (or, to be more precise, one person) Grandad!  Before he died nearly 3 years ago,he was such an intergral part of my life too.  He would fix my toys (and later in my teen life, my shoes) and he’d always have an idea to solve any problem.  Not only that though, he also shared the same support, advice and interest in every part of my life that my Gran does.
Not only Grandparents though, I was talking to an elderly Gentleman on the train the other week, just chatting to pass the time really. He was on his way home from meeting his friends from the Army for lunch, and I was coming home from work. We got talking about the work he does in advocating for retired soldiers (and also the families of those soldiers who don’t return home). Such an amazing man doing good for a cause he believes in. Some would say he does it because he is a returned Soldier himself – but, I say he does it because it’s close to his heart and something he believes strongly in. And I say well done to him!! He has all my support!!
Granted, younger people do brilliant work with charities and things too, but, elderly people just seem to have something else.  They have some sort of outlook on life that is vastly different to the younger generations. Elderly people are much less likely to generalise and segregate different people (well, most elderly people anyway. There are some who are exceptions I’m sure!). It’s this acceptance and willingness to talk to anyone that makes them such an asset to society. 
We learn many lessons though life, and, I reckon, if we all spent more time with elderly people we’d learn so, so much more!! I know personally, my Grandparents have taught me so much more than I was taught at School and Uni combined.  Life lessons can’t be taught based on a theory some guy came up with and published in some journal. Life lessons come from experience and wisdom. Afterall, “with age comes wisdom”...and so, who better to teach these life lessons than the elderly?!?!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's funny how things just 'happen'

I’m aware it’s been ages since I’ve posted something; but, if you’re one who reads my tweets you’ll know my life has been crazy busy (in a good way of course!).

Briefly, I graduated uni (finally) about 6 weeks ago now. Along with this came the end of my required work placement.  However, at this time, the company decided they’d keep me on part time so I could gain more experience and see some projects through that I saw begin. We made the part time agreement for an extra month.

So, I started applying for jobs.  What an experience that was!! Tested my decision making and my ability to trust and believe in myself.  There was one week I had 3 interviews and was offered ALL 3 jobs!! Wasn’t quite expecting results like that!! But, I turned all 3 down because they didn’t feel right.  I knew that was a huge risk.  I mean, I was turning down 3 positions without one to fall back on!! What was I thinking?!?!?!   I’m sure people close to me thought I had gone crazy!!!!  Heck, at a point I was sure I was crazy for being so sure about the kind of role I wanted.  But, I’ve always known that I do know exactly what I want and I’ll do just about anything to make sure it goes how I want it to.

Anyway, just as the end of my extra month was coming to an end (this was about 2 weeks ago now) I was offered a full time position!!!!!  I took this one.  Nothing has ever felt so right.

I love how things just seem to work out the way they should.  I was very hesitant at turning down all 3 jobs because I’m a new graduate, inexperienced (except for 13 weeks work experience) and had nothing to fall back on.  For all I knew, these 3 positions could have been the only 3 jobs I was ever offered.  And I turned them all down. Yes, I questioned whether I was crazy, yes I questioned my reasoning. Yes I thought I was aiming too high for an entry level position. But, I just knew none of those jobs were right, I knew what I wanted and none of these roles were it.  I wasn’t happy from the impression I got from the interview and didn’t want to work in an environment where I was unhappy.

It made me think though, throughout my uni degree, I hit quite a few roadblocks and the degree didn’t go entirely the way I planned (basically, went fine for the first year, then because of health reasons I dropped to part time study, then, due to health issues again, I defered a semester) so I ended up finishing 7 months later than I originally planned.

What would have happened if the course had gone to plan??
If I finished on time, would I be where I am today??
Would I be working in the company I am today??
Would I be working full time at all?? 
Would I be happier or in a less productive environment??

Who knows!! I’ll never know the answers to any of those questions. But, what I do know is, with some strange twist of fate, life seems to have straightened itself out. I’m not sure how, I’m not even entirely sure when this happened.  I sorta missed the turning point. Maybe I worked through it, maybe I slept through it, or maybe, I just didn’t see it at the time because it’s not what I wanted.
I remember at the time I decided to defer (well, decided isn’t the right word – I had no option) I was devistated. I wasn’t going to finish with my friends, I wasn’t finishing when I wanted too,  it wasn’t going how I wanted it to go and I felt like I had no control.  Even thinking that this may work out for the best wasn’t an option. At the time, this was a disaster of epic proportions.

Now though, I’m more accepting that maybe it didn’t go my way, but, maybe, just maybe, I’m better off for it. There’s possibly something I know or have experienced now that I wouldn’t have otherwise.  Or maybe, 7 months ago just wasn’t the right time for me to enter the “real world”. It’s possible I still had something to learn before leaving the controled environment that is Uni.
Whatever the reason...I’m just glad it has lead to such a positive result.  It’s funny how things just happen.