Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dear 16 Year Old Me

Here in Australia, there's an advertising campaign for skin cancer called "Dear Sixteen Year Old Me". It can be seen here ( and talks about the ever so important skin checks for skin cancer, even at a young age. But, it inspired me and got me thinking, what would I say to my Sixteen Year Old Self if given the chance? Well, it would go something like this:

Dear 16 year old me,

Just a few bits of advice hunni. Trust me; you’ll thank me for this later on.

First, you are intelligent, beautiful and FULL of potential. Regardless what anyone else says – don’t listen. They aren’t telling the truth and it won’t do you any good dwelling over their thoughts.

Learn to love the REAL you. What I’m talking about is only starting to become apparent now, but please, don’t hide it. Embrace it. Accept it. Most importantly, love it. I do now, and wish I did then. Hiding and acting like someone you’re not won’t achieve anything. Giving you a heads up, you will learn to love it and by your 21st birthday you will know exactly what I mean.

Also, don’t take your friends for granted. Your best friend won’t be around forever (he will die 6 months before you turn 18). Enjoy his company and make it count. You have limited time. Don’t wait for your 21st to have that incredible party you and him will start discussing in a couple of months. Do it for your 17th, it’s the last chance you will get.

Once you get toward the end of your uni degree (Yes, you get into uni after highschool. Was that supposed to be a surprise? As I said, you’re intelligent and full of potential) you do go through an incredibly rough patch. You start doubting if you’ll finish your degree or not, but, never fear. You get through it. I’m not going to sugar coat it; it is hard. You will cry (many times). You will doubt yourself and you will, at some point, momentarily loose the will to fight against what is happening. But DO keep going. It does get better.

Some people leave your life quicker than they entered, but just remember, the people you need in your life will remain. But please, just do me one favour – please don’t try to stay involved with people who leave. You really don’t need them.

Just a few small things too:
- Blonde hair really suits you. Try to get that look often.
- When you start driving...don’t do any illegal U-turns (even if completely safe). They are hard to talk your way out of!!

Most importantly though – Have fun and be young before life changes.

I am so proud of you girl! The person you are, the things you do and the decisions you’re amazing!! I love you.
The 21 year old you.

Even if it was possible to have a warning from an older version of me, I don't really think I'd do too much too differently. The mistakes I've made, the things I've done and the times I've fallen flat on my backside have all taught me something. Just wish I learned some lessons quicker than I did!!

What would you say to your 16 year old self if given the chance??