Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's funny how things just 'happen'

I’m aware it’s been ages since I’ve posted something; but, if you’re one who reads my tweets you’ll know my life has been crazy busy (in a good way of course!).

Briefly, I graduated uni (finally) about 6 weeks ago now. Along with this came the end of my required work placement.  However, at this time, the company decided they’d keep me on part time so I could gain more experience and see some projects through that I saw begin. We made the part time agreement for an extra month.

So, I started applying for jobs.  What an experience that was!! Tested my decision making and my ability to trust and believe in myself.  There was one week I had 3 interviews and was offered ALL 3 jobs!! Wasn’t quite expecting results like that!! But, I turned all 3 down because they didn’t feel right.  I knew that was a huge risk.  I mean, I was turning down 3 positions without one to fall back on!! What was I thinking?!?!?!   I’m sure people close to me thought I had gone crazy!!!!  Heck, at a point I was sure I was crazy for being so sure about the kind of role I wanted.  But, I’ve always known that I do know exactly what I want and I’ll do just about anything to make sure it goes how I want it to.

Anyway, just as the end of my extra month was coming to an end (this was about 2 weeks ago now) I was offered a full time position!!!!!  I took this one.  Nothing has ever felt so right.

I love how things just seem to work out the way they should.  I was very hesitant at turning down all 3 jobs because I’m a new graduate, inexperienced (except for 13 weeks work experience) and had nothing to fall back on.  For all I knew, these 3 positions could have been the only 3 jobs I was ever offered.  And I turned them all down. Yes, I questioned whether I was crazy, yes I questioned my reasoning. Yes I thought I was aiming too high for an entry level position. But, I just knew none of those jobs were right, I knew what I wanted and none of these roles were it.  I wasn’t happy from the impression I got from the interview and didn’t want to work in an environment where I was unhappy.

It made me think though, throughout my uni degree, I hit quite a few roadblocks and the degree didn’t go entirely the way I planned (basically, went fine for the first year, then because of health reasons I dropped to part time study, then, due to health issues again, I defered a semester) so I ended up finishing 7 months later than I originally planned.

What would have happened if the course had gone to plan??
If I finished on time, would I be where I am today??
Would I be working in the company I am today??
Would I be working full time at all?? 
Would I be happier or in a less productive environment??

Who knows!! I’ll never know the answers to any of those questions. But, what I do know is, with some strange twist of fate, life seems to have straightened itself out. I’m not sure how, I’m not even entirely sure when this happened.  I sorta missed the turning point. Maybe I worked through it, maybe I slept through it, or maybe, I just didn’t see it at the time because it’s not what I wanted.
I remember at the time I decided to defer (well, decided isn’t the right word – I had no option) I was devistated. I wasn’t going to finish with my friends, I wasn’t finishing when I wanted too,  it wasn’t going how I wanted it to go and I felt like I had no control.  Even thinking that this may work out for the best wasn’t an option. At the time, this was a disaster of epic proportions.

Now though, I’m more accepting that maybe it didn’t go my way, but, maybe, just maybe, I’m better off for it. There’s possibly something I know or have experienced now that I wouldn’t have otherwise.  Or maybe, 7 months ago just wasn’t the right time for me to enter the “real world”. It’s possible I still had something to learn before leaving the controled environment that is Uni.
Whatever the reason...I’m just glad it has lead to such a positive result.  It’s funny how things just happen.

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