Through all the excitement that was deciding I needed a new outift, shopping for the perfect outfit, then realising new shoes were a non-optional extra...after all that, I decided, I had the perfect handbag at bag shopping wasn't essential. Funny though, I adore handbags (some people say FAR too much)...and it was the only thing I didn't purchase new for the occasion!!
After the perfect outfit was safely hanging in my wardrobe, I got to thinking about what this meant for me. Now, I mean beyond the hype of graduating from University and being thrown out into the "Real World". I mean, what it truly means for me to be able to say I've graduated uni.
There were times I thought I'd never get through it. I was struck down with poor health at the beginning of my final year. This meant I cut my workload from Fulltime study to Part-time study for one semester, and then, sadly, had to defer for a semester. So you can see the entry of doubt. Was I ever going to finish? Was this all a huge mistake? Have I wasted a whole year doing something that was destined not to go anywhere?
I'm glad to say, those doubts are long gone because...
I have my degree!!! Hanging on my wall!! I'm looking at it right now actually!!!

See that? That's my uni degree which is hanging on my hot pink wall! Now that is the result of all that hard work. The blood, sweat and tears. Although, come to think of it, I don't think there was any blood shed over that degree. But there was definitely times I sweated it out...and at times, there were most definitely tears.
Anyway, back to Graduation day. Here is the day in pictures.
My Dad and I outside the hall
Time to leave mum & dad in the Foyer & go get my gown and cap!
All graduated!
And now to enter the "Real World" and, for the first time in my life, not be classified as a student!! This is all new territory, but hey, it's been a fun and exciting adventure so far!! Let's see what happens next!
Welcome to the Brave "ugly" world! You'll manage OK!